Sense is, while this approach to journaling is a great answer to a particular issue so many people face now in terms of immediacy and 'sound bites' , the real joy and depth in journaling may well be lost.
Yes, even happens, the journal not only allows setting this out (and sense is it will then be used later in a strong of TikTok, Instagram or whatever posts) but, more importantly, reflecting and refracting the event.
What does it mean to you?
Why does this mean something to you?
How is it making you feel?
How will it make you sense other things?
How are you growing as a person? Do you (really) need the acclamation of others? Or can you find what the meaning of being yourself really is?
Then we are into journaling and seeing, reading, recording and developing as a person - A person who values themself and can be of greater value for others they want to be with.
Get past 15 seconds and into being who you want to be this year, this generation.