Intents and Purposes?
Or: Intense Purpose?

Talking with a friend, this came to light: English slips in pronunciation can lead to the neuro-linguistic changes in mindset.
The phrase-
‘to all intents and purposes’
comes across as essentially we are controlled by something beyond our control. Usually associated with our livelihoods, regularly, the phrase will be heard in a slightly condescending manner
‘….to all intents and purposes, he is illiterate and not up to doing the job….’
‘….to all intents and purposes, she is unreliable and not up to doing the job…’
We have all heard it in this type of sentence. It is, invariably, a put down. If seeking a positive, a call to a path for positive change.
Now, change the intents to intense and we are seeing
intense purpose
People able to work with an intensity where they become unaware of the environment around them. They are to envied
Intensity. Single mindedness. Determined. Concentration. Passion.
….in fact she is working with such an intense purpose the results are fantastic….
….he has an intense purpose, a gold medal to be the result?
A basic slip of the tongue, a change of listening, and what is a put down becomes praise. High praise indeed.
What can lift us from mispronouncing or mishearing to a definite move driving us?
Meaning in life is the determinant driving our purpose.
Purpose without meaning leads to ‘all intense and purposes’ moments for you.
Intense purpose comes from an inner motivation as you feel you are working with meaning.
Think on for just a few minutes
Are you purposeful? Yes? No? Why?
Is it because a meaning drives your purpose?
Define, or redefine, the purpose and you will question the meaning in your life
Question the meaning in your life and you will move from ‘to all intents and purposes’ moments to intense purpose.
May your time be intense
Have a meaningful day, week, month and a year to make you smile