I am a different generation and, probably because of exposure to very different cultural settings, have different views, opinions and challenges to my personal behaviour.
Been involved in a different few settings where social justice has come up alongside further talk on gender equality - wonder whether we are using polite language to avoid the hard and very painful issues of sexual violence, people, often minors and girls and women, trafficking. Way of social media and the next generation treatment of women? No, how reality is perceived by people, men of a certain profile, perceive their NOT being part of wider societal problems means the insidious slide will continue. Appalling behaviour by so-called leaders with misogynistic foundations is sending messages for toleration of unsocial behaviour. Unlawful actions in fact. It sends a message others have picked up on.
This requires not equality but equity actions, positives to affirm the actions required in addressing the inequalities felt and expressed by many.