Are you thinking outside the box? Able to use your imagination?
How We Work: Rabbits into Maps of the USA and Crocodiles eating Salmon Skies
Too much time in the office chair?
Hurrying to get the orders out causing you to bend and lift badly?
Going to write this — Doing yoga first thing in the morning is a wondrous hip and back opener. Certainly, yoga will assist with the physical wellbeing. 20 minutes well invested will go far further — opt out, tune in to yourself and feel fresh thinking appear.
Yep, everyone wants a bit of your time. I am not selling yoga stuff, rather passing lessons learned as I have reaped from investing my 20 minutes to generate energy allowing me to use the other 1,420 minutes everyone has in a day.
This is not blue sky, ocean, or orchid thinking. More how to add value to the approaches regularly advocated with a few fresh ideas. I take in the Nike Training Club, ntc-app, alongside my continued business and management learnings. The aphorism apparent is taking time to generate energy is beneficial for great use of time and goes far further in challenging staid offerings we read in advertisements every damn day.
Been plenty of improvements to strategic approaches to assist us in working through how to do things. More than enough tech feeding in to facilitate inclusion and refresh how we bounce ideas around. Searching for a positive to take from the pandemic.
- But are you including yourself as well as you could and should?
Much talk for the recruitment of a coach for life, business, making cakes and, would you believe, coaching of coaches. Do you need this person? Or, perhaps, a look inside yourself seeking how you link physical, mental and emotional wellbeing to look again, with fresh eyes, at what other input you want or need.
Now for a series of questions. Answer them for yourself. No one else. For yourself.
- Maybe we all need to challenge perceptions and perspectives?
· Just lift us out of the routine and change the place we stand, the way we look at things? Look at all things and how we fit together?
· The manner we listen to other people and the sounds behind us, inside us, changing the way we perceive hearing what people say?
· The manner we take what we see and what we hear and what we feel on processing these inputs?
- Are we, as people, best able to sort the marketing substance from the hype?
- Can we add our unique stamp onto something franchised out across continents or built on platforms with algorithms mining your margins locally and probably forestalling your bigger dream?
How any of us view things changes the manner we talk about them
- Do you talk with yourself?
Not such a strange question after all most of us have been through this last two years.
Going further than this:-
- Do you have a piece of paper stuck on the wall/side of the screen/as a screen prompt?
Does it say something like: I am focused, I am producing quality work. I am will achieve my goal
Definitely not an expert in neural linguistics so go hit the internet to learn further. Avoiding the charlatans selling wonders tomorrow when you send just £99.90 today, a great deal out there to learn from.
The talking to yourself comes in here:-
Neuro — your thinking process, the way you have developed, had developed for you (think on this one), your senses to appreciate and make sense of what is around you.
Did you find fresh perspectives regarding your customers, suppliers during the lockdowns? (Note the term — lockdown, already creating the feeling of being tied in)
Linguistics — your words, even to yourself. How the words you use, the way you use those words, influences you, others listening and reading you.
Watch the football behind-the-scenes programme on Amazon and listen to Jose Mourinho’s language skills — trailer for All Or Nothing worth a listen (and watch .
Programming — how you behave, your behaviour toward yourself and those around you.
How you develop ideas and organise for yourself. Causing action. How you react to words and actions affecting you and the people around you.
Do you reflect on how you were taught to accept some things?
Expect other things?
How are you thinking on disruptive changes impacting the way we all live and earn a livelihood?
Who are you talking with to change the way you think about known knowns, known unknowns and the way different people will build your knowledge?
How you build other people’s capability to act and react to all these elements.
A challenge:
It is the surrealism exhibition at the Modern Tate, surrealism-beyond-borders, noting how The Tate uses the word modern, something to think on in the NLP light. Change perceptions by adding in Gen X, Gen Z to Baby Boomers, The Silent Generation and ‘modern’ term changes.
We do not have to be surreal, although it is fantastic to challenge how we perceive and sense all the things going on with us, around us. The usual five senses are:- Touch, Smell, Taste and our main ones (?) — Sight and Hearing.
Came to this adding seven more elements:-
o Language
o Temperature
o Balance
o Concepts
o Movement
o Ego
To arrive at take-off for
Q Life?[1]
Twenty minutes of yoga, just 1.3% of your day, time it takes to prepare a halfway decent Spaghetti Bolognese, opens so much. As the breathing improves, the ways of thinking change with the endorphins kicking in. The thinking is far stronger and beneficial with the links made between body and mind.
The title?
Ten minutes of ramping up the heart rate, emptying the mind and taking on fresh perspectives. Gaining fresh insight as look across a dawning sky. I am in a different mindset for the second half of my wake-up session. Letting my thinking roam fitting the senses together, allowing fresh perspectives to come on tired old problems.
The crocodile came out of low-lying cloud moving, shaping across the salmon morning skies.
The rabbit was a higher cumulus cloud transmogrifying into a map of the contiguous United States.
Nature and geopolitics somewhere in my head now out to challenge you on how you can look again at fresh opportunities.
Have a moment to yourself.
Sponsor fresh thinking.
Refresh questioning and consider actions fitting back to the solid, proven, business processes.
The mind, body and spirit of business flows and must start with you taking a fresh look in.
[1] This is the Twelve Senses — Steiner, R: How do children connect to their world?