Good piece to provoke some further thinking; at least among those of us who do not count thoughts in terms of how to make the bottom line well beyond simply exploiting the moment
Having been in Somalia end of last year, and living in Kenya, back in UK and the broader Europe (Geographically the British Isles is still here) recently, I have seen how work varies.
How social norms and needs are changing as people think
- Shit, they threw me out with the dirty dish water during Covid-19 and now they want me back on worse conditions with me now knowing I am expendable. Or, in the case of Somalia
- Crap, I am a number in some humanitarian marketing scheme. Yes, keep me alive but offer me something more for tomorrow.
- People want meaning as well as the purpose of paying bills that simply keeping ignorant people making money.
Time for change and far more green jobs where small business, micro business, supports small and micro businesses. This is the real shift required for our capitalism to have a future founded in workers-employers-government with mutual respect and accountability