Certainly a thought provoking tour from an American perspective
The issues of geography, geopolitics, and the manipulation of key powers in terms of working with states.
Issues of how states have built inclusion a big issue throughout the last 80 years. Few states have become more inclusive. Many have addressed drivers of inequity through work on equality of opportunity.
Fragility has increased (my assumption backed with a few pieces on fragile states) and inequity is now a critical ingredient in recruiting for extremes. Demonising the manner capitalism and exhibitions of (military) power have served the homeland rather than built durable inclusion has led to perpetuation and expansion of fragility.
Add in the powers-that-be in any number of places now complicit in extractive economics and we have the situation we now live and work in across huge swathes of the globe - Core areas where popularism reinforces perceptions keeping the few powerful groups in power and massive swathes of geography where people are pawns in power plays as things like climate change bite ever harder.
I doubt we will ever have a 'free world' given the rules of physics applied across to business and politics where the tendency will continue to oligopoly or even monopoly or a sense of self organisation not serving those with the power to break up movements seeking equality and equity with the achievement of Universal Rights